Here you can find applications about rFactor 1 !
RFE dotWet editor was motivated by RFE's awesome rfactor plugin for custom and dynamic weather in sessions.
However one way to define weather is to write a script as text file actually programming how weather will behave during specific sessions.
dotWet editor allows the user to avoid scripting the file himself and gives the chance to schedule the weather in visual environment with only few clicks and save as a regular RFE script.
Credits to RFE for the support and their great plugin.
Can find the user manual here.
GPVWC ManagerLive! is more or less what everyone can understand ! Being a manager of a team and spectating the races without any extra race info other than what rFactor displays in the race monitor was pretty frustrating. Initially web based live timing sites was working okay even with some seconds delay, job was done.
Later on when RFE brought custom weather to rF1 races the need for total check on the weather conditions was imminent.
Then i met LiveView Plugin for rFactor which was giving all the info a manager would need into a text file and the GPVWC ManagerLive! was then able to display full timing details plus weather info, including the feature to record the weather data and then process.
Later more programs came to update to weather display, web based mainly, however i still use GPVWC managerLive! when race conditions are unstable.
Can find the installation notes here
RFE dotWet editor was motivated by RFE's awesome rfactor plugin for custom and dynamic weather in sessions.
However one way to define weather is to write a script as text file actually programming how weather will behave during specific sessions.
dotWet editor allows the user to avoid scripting the file himself and gives the chance to schedule the weather in visual environment with only few clicks and save as a regular RFE script.
Credits to RFE for the support and their great plugin !
Find the installation notes here